[spoilers from episode 5 of season 3]
This is hands down one of my best edits about Jason and I tried to focus more on Curran Walters acting in his scenes because I really loved episode 5 and this version of Jason really makes me feel his emotions.
The Lazarus Pit scenes was iconic, the details, the references, all the dialogues between him and Bruce, the alley, the therapy sessions with Leslie Thompkins... it was a treasure hunt for me catching more parallels.
Curran is doing an amazing work portraying Jason and showing how much depth there is in the character. I’m literally curious to see next episode, this one was really good and the bond with Scarecrow reminds of me of the mentor-like one they had on Arkham Knight. Hope you love this edit as much as me when I was doing it!
fandom: titans
character: jason tood ed hood
coloring: dreaming by oncer studios
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