Hunt Showdown RTX 3060 Ti and Ryzen 7 3700x 1080p Max/High Settings Benchmark

I have all the settings on the highest except anti aliasing since it doesn’t really make too much of a difference and makes the game blurry. My PC specs are RTX 3060 Ti Founders Edition, Ryzen 7 3700x with stock cooler, 16gb 3200Mhz G skill trident RAM, Asus B450-F Motherboard, and a EVGA 750w gold certified power supply. I tried to include some good gameplay I had from a randoms game and I think I delivered, so you got some benchmarks and good gameplay which you don’t see much of :P In case you are wondering I have almost 1000 hours in Hunt Showdown and I am prestige 26. If you want to know anything else about my setup feel free to leave a comment I will respond :)
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