Evidence of a lost Ancient Civilization at the Serapeum of Saqqara - Chapter 5

Chapters 1 through 5 of this series: Chapter 1: Introduction: Chapter 2: The boxes: Chapter 3: Precision: Chapter 4: Liquid Polish: Chapter 5: Conclusions! : (this video) Addendum: Naming: In this, the final Chapter of my Serapeum Series, we investigate the evidence for a lost ancient civilization at the Serapeum, take a look at the evidence for renovation and inheritance on the site, and discuss what it all means in the broader context for the story of history and human civilization. In previous episodes, I’ve been promising conclusions and that I would tell you what I really think about the history of this site - and so I do, and it extends to much of ancient Egypt. Transcript is available on my website. Please like and subscribe! Leave a comment with your thoughts!
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