Nightingale singing | The best bird song in the world | Luscinia megarhynchos | Slavík obecný

The common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) is considered the best bird singer in the world. It usually sings in dense vegetation near water where it lives and breeds. Its amazing song can often be heard even during the night. Not many birds can sing so loudly and persistently as a male nightingale. His concert is a true master’s performance because he has a wide variety of chirping, tweeting and shrieking sounds in his repertoire. Enjoy the world’s most beautiful bird song! Nature and wildlife documentary from the Czech Republic, Central Europe. Bird voice, bird sound, bird song, bird singing, bird call, bird calling, bird chirping, bird tweeting. ━━━━━━ Looking forward to another video? ▶ Subscribe to my channel: ▶ Support my work: Equipment: Panasonic GH5 Sigma 150-600 C Rode Videomic Pro Would you like to learn more bird voices? Watch this video: ━━━━━━ ▷ Facebook ▷ Instagram ▷ Stock footage ▷ E-mail pichlukas@ ━━━━━━ Common nightingale | Luscinia megarhynchos | Slavík obecný | Nachtigall | Rossignol philomèle | ruiseñor común | usignolo comune | Западный соловей #europeanwildlife #nightingale #lusciniamegarhynchos
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