Bible Proverbs, the Guiding Rules for Life in the 21st Century

Bible Proverbs are the world’s compass to living physically and mentally healthy lives in our contemporary world. Why Bible Proverbs and not Deuteronomy? The latter gave the basis for national law as Israel entered a new country. National or civil laws covered all aspects of life; judges administered laws regarding land, crime, commerce, property, and relationships. In addition, there was a whole tribe and Priesthood to oversee worship and education. In a national setting with UNconverted citizens, these glorious, righteous laws are the best recipe for peace and prosperity for the entire population. On the other hand, Proverbs addresses morality given from a father to his son. These are rules (call them whatever you want) each person can take to heart to govern their own life. These principles apply the Ten Commandments on a personal level in the 21st century. Here’s a national law in Deuteronomy that sounds immoral; however, if you consider this son as a thug terrorizing women o
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