20 vegetables YOU CAN PLANT IN LATE SUMMER for a fall garden

Are you hoping for more time to grow fresh veggies this summer and fall? Here’s what to plant NOW! Never miss a new video! Subscribe to our channel to be notified whenever we publish a new video! Click “SHOW MORE“ if you’re new to our channel and “MORE ABOUT US“ for some freebies! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Fall gardens are a must if you are growing your own food. In today’s Pantry Chat, Josh and Carolyn discuss planting for fall and 20 vegetables you can plant in late summer for a fall garden that may even provide fresh produce for your kitchen into winter time! Grab yourself a Clyde’s Garden Planner (and use code at checkout!): Time Stamps for those of you that want to travel through time and skip the boring stuff! 0:00 - Intro 1:18 - Chit Chat 7:02 - Q & A 11:00 - Main Topic 19:45 - 20 Vegetables you can
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