10 Minute Arm Workout (Dumbbells Only) Get Big Arms At Home
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⏱️ Duration: 10 minutes
💪 Exercises quantity: 10 (One round) (8-12 reps each exercise)
⏱️ Format: 1 exercise = 1 minute = 45 seconds work 15 seconds rest
🤸♂️ Equipment: your body dumbbells
📆 Recommended Plan
Week 1 ✅ Do It 3 Days a Week (1-2 rounds)
Week 2 ✅ Do It 4 Days a Week (2-3 rounds)
Week 3 ✅ Do It 5 Days a Week (2-4 rounds)
Week 4 ✅ Do It 6 Days a Week (2-4 rounds)
⭕ Following along with this video means completing all exercises = 1 round
⭕ Repeat for 2-4 Rounds for a complete workout
⏰ Timecodes ⏰
⚠️ Primary muscles worked are given in parentheses below
00:00 - 10 Minute Arm Workout Dumbbells Only
00:17 - 1. Dumbbell Biceps Curl (Biceps)
01:17 - 2. Dumbbell Standing Triceps Extension (Triceps)
02:17 - 3. Dumbbell Scott Press (Delts)
03:17 - 4. Dumbbell Alternate Biceps Curl (Biceps)
04:17 - 5. Dumbbell Seated Triceps Extension (Triceps)
05:17 - 6. Dumbbell Standing Arnold Press (Triceps, Delts)
06:17 - 7. Dumbbell Cross Body Hammer Curl (Biceps)
07:17 - 8. Dumbbell Alternate Side Press (Triceps, Delts)
08:17 - 9. Dumbbell Front Raise (Delts)
09:17 - 10. Dumbbell Standing Kickback (Triceps)
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Before starting this or any other fitness program, consult with your physician or other health care professional.
You should avoid physical activity if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain while exercising, or experienced chest pain in the past month while not exercising, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be exacerbated by changing your physical activity level.
Your physician or health care provider may advise you not to begin this fitness program.
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