NEW BOOK…FLIP THROUGH | Fairy Tales & Folklore by Emelie Lidehäll Öberg | Adult Colouring

Hi Guys! Just received this beautiful new book by Emelie Lidehäll Öberg – Fairy Tales & Folklore. The publishers are Better Day Books and they have reprinted majority of her previous book (Sagor Och Sagner) with some new illustrations. Thank you to @ColourwithClaire for making the petition and initiating the whole process for this book to become available to us again. Let me know what you think of the book, I would love to know. Thank you for joining me today. Catch up with you on the next video! Happy colouring! If you wish to say ‘hello’ somewhere other than YouTube: Instagram:... @shelscolouringjourney2020 E-mail: shelscolouringjourney@ My Amazon wishlist: #adultcoloring #coloring #newbook #flipthrough
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