Swordmaster - Upon Blood and Ashes

Band: Swordmaster Song: Upon Blood and Ashes Album: Wraths of Time Deepening nights seek across heaven’s vaults Now watch the scapes draped in Darkness And with the new wind came fright to the lands ...Like a crying angel, devoured by poisonous clouds ...Under the brightening Pleiades gather To haunt the penetralia of light and life - An eternal journey in seasons of doom - So arrive on monumental Death ....Under skies bleeding bloody juice - The hunger for empyrean drew hearses through the lands Under the signs of times yet to come Hear chanting cosmic songs ...And Pythonic powers reburn the everlasting wrath In every spirit so hungry for flesh and Death To structure the poison for heavens eyes - Thrusting a serpents venom nexus to our rise A wolf-herde’s journey sworn since superlansyne times Draws near as the genesis of the structure opens No palladium could ever bear the rage Which burns as an allpowerful eleme
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