Urgently! Hurricanes and hail in Germany. See what was

Severe hurricanes swept through parts of Germany on Thursday, causing chaos and flooding roads! In the afternoon, a warning was issued about gusts of a hurricane, heavy rain and hail in the Kassel region and neighboring regions of Lower Saxony and Thuringia. There has also been a risk of tornadoes. The storm has serious consequences in Kassel: railway traffic is completely stopped. The movement of buses has been partially stopped. Storm gusts, heavy rains and hail, led to flooding of roads and paths, falling branches and trees on the path or overhead lines, blocking routes. The professional fi...re brigade of Kassel reported that all fire stations in the city were on duty. Severe storms with heavy rain - this was Thursday in Cologne and the region. Water stands on the street after a downpour from a thunderstorm. #kassel #tornado #rain #hurricane #flood #germany #volcano #earthquake #hail #disasters #storm #news #landslide #wind The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) Emer
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