Selected Originals - My Fair Lady Comes To Town (1965)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “My Fair Lady Comes to Town“ - 65/11.
Royal Premiere of musical film “My Fair Lady“. This item is mute colour version of newsreel story (film ID ).
Warners’ Cinema, West End, London.
Royal premiere of musical film “My Fair Lady“. Various shots celebrities arriving at cinema; film star / comedian Stanley Holloway, Arthur Abeles and wife, production designer Cecil Beaton, movie producer Colonel Jack Warner, Sir Philip Warter, actor Jeremy Brett and Mrs Taran Steven, Jack Goodlatte, Nadia Raquin, film star Rex Harrison, John Merrivale, film star Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn with Mel Ferrer, (Audrey kisses Jack Warner), Robert Clark and C.J. Latta.
Various shots Princess Alexandra (aka Hon. Mrs Angus Oglivy) arriving with her husband and Earl Mountbatten. Various shots Royal party talking to VIPs. C/U usherette dressed as flower seller. More shots Princess Alexandra being presented to stars of film. C/U neon sig