Trump was met with raucous laughter after using the word ‘motherf***er’

Former President Donald Trump delivered a fiery speech to the California Republican Party on Friday, in which he used profanity to attack his political opponents and claimed he was leading in the polls against President Joe Biden. Trump, who is widely expected to run for president again in 2024, riled up the crowd with his trademark insults and grievances, accusing the Democrats of being corrupt and incompetent. He also repeated his baseless allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election, which he lost to Biden by more than 7 million votes. At one point, Trump suggested that the Democrats would resort to indicting him or his allies if they felt threatened by his popularity. “What they’ve done is they’ve gone after opponents, so that if you become president, or some other job, but if you become president and you don’t like somebody, or if somebody’s beating you by ten, fifteen, or twenty points like we’re doing with Crooked Joe Biden, let’s indict the motherf***er!” Trump said, drawing cheer
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