OPENING 14 GACHAPON CAPSULES! Anime, Squishies, Nintendo and More | MMM Gachapon Part 1 ♡
Hi everyone~!!
Here is a part one of a special gachapon themed Meivu’s Mystery Mayhem episode! In this episode I open up some gachapon from the August Gacha Gacha crates sent to me for review by Japan Crate as well as a gachapon lucky bag Sugoi Mart sent me~
Which gachapon was your favourite? Let me know in the comments!
☆Check out Doki Doki Crate, Gacha Gacha Crate and Inku Crate here:
You can use the code “MEIVU“ for $3 off your first purchase of a Gacha Gacha, Doki Doki or Inku crate!
(Above links/codes are affiliate links, meaning that purchases made with them earns me commission ♡)
☆Gachapon MMM Part 2:
Thanks to Gacha Gacha Crate and Sugoi Mart for gifting me these gacha!
Thanks for watching~