John Lamb Lash is arguably the heaviest authority on the Gnostics, at least the Nag Hammadi Library.
The Gnostics were vehemently opposed to the Abrahamic religions. Is that relevant in today’s secular world? Well, yes, because the secular world has inherited more features from traditional religions than we think.
The Gnostic message is one of liberation from the shackles of both religious and secular ideas that enslave us under artificial rules and renege our divinity and natural connection with Mother Earth.
There is a mainstream also in spirituality. Some things John Lash says are controversial, and some of the Gnostic content, as John interprets it, is outlandish, even by the standards of this channel. But whatever you think of it, it is a fascinating and thought-provoking message.
John Lamb Lash has written a number of books, but the pivotal piece of work on the Gnostic worldview is Not in His Image.
”My work is an arrow, and Not in His Image is the head of that arrow”, John says.
”The Gnostics were the first noetic, cognitive psychologists. They still get a bad rap, except from those who have read my book.”
The first quarter of the book is about the basic problem in humanity.
”What I found is that the basic core problem that underlies all other problems in our world is an ideology of master race supremacy. It is a subject that goes very deep, into the wounding of civilization and into our very sense of humanity. The battle between good and evil is right here, it is in the human heart, and in our minds.”
The idea of an off-planet male god, redemption and a savior – the Gnostics saw all of that as insanity, according to John Lash.
”I want to liberate people from this, to the best of my ability.”
In today’s world the tzaddik, the unnatural and detrimental ultra-righteousness, is represented by technocracy, like the transhumanism movement, says John.
”They think they are going to tell you not only how you can live, but how you must live. The goal of this insane ideology that came into our world is to destroy our inherent sense of what it is to be human.”
The latter three quarters of Not in His Image is about the solution.
The Gnostic myth about how humanity came to be is different from other creation myths. The core of it is that the goddess Sophia – an aeon, not the ultimate source – dreamed up and manifested our planet, including its plant and animal kingdom and anthropos.
Thus, Sophia not only created the earth but is the planet. And we are, basically, her.
”To Sophia it’s like a dream. To her the earth is like your body is to you in a dream. You are a character in her dream”, John says.
But we forgot our origins. Only a few indigenous peoples have always remembered.
At one point, a ”mind virus” managed to enter human minds. It originated from inorganic entities that Sophia had also manifested, but by accident: the archons. It was then salvationist religion was introduced.
This is the one aspect of the Gnostic worldview that is most difficult to interpret and describe.
At first the ”virus” operated through religion, but it has mutated.
”Science was taken out of the realm of the senses and spun into a mind game, which goes nowhere”, John says
Before this ”infection” broke through, the indigenous cultures of the world, meaning most humans, knew we were in the presence of a divine force, the earth mother.
And so did the Gnostics. They dared to say openly that the newly introduced off-planet male god was a pretender god. Hence, they were brutally persecuted and massacred by Christians in the early centuries of the Common era.
The good news in our day and age is that the archontic influence is dying out, according to John Lamb Lash.
”The correction of the insane behavior of humanity is happening today.”
0:00 Intro
5:36 Who were the Gnostics?
11:04 The discovery of the Gnostic texts in Nag Hammadi in 1945
14:31 The basic problem (which underlies all the other problems in our world today)
18:52 How the insane ideology came into our world
24:19 The solution: Our true purpose (The message to us from the Gnostics)
31:51 The profound and intimate knowledge of the presence of Sophia, the living Earth, the divine mother Earth
33:37 The mind virus. How to understand the Archon influence
49:37 Was the mind virus there in earlier iterations of humanity?
57:44 Sophia’s correction
1:02:01 The dimensional structure of the Universe/Sophia’s dream
1:07:08 The hijacking of enlightenment and science
1:10:44 The natural niche of Humans
1:15:55 Promising signs in our day and age (boundaries to transhumanism)
Not in His Image (book):
Sophianic Myth (Youtube):
Sophianic Myth (website):
#gnostics #naghammadi #sophia #gaia #mythology #religion #christianity #abrahamic #worldview #divinity #earth #motherearth #indigenous #archons
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