Soldier Dream - Hironobu Kageyama & Yumi Matsuzawa ソルジャードリーム

Hironobu Kageyama (Original singer) and Yumi Matsuzawa (Singer of Hades chapter opening and ending themes) singing the new version of Soldier Dream from Saint Seiya Soul Of Gold, performed by the Japanese band Root Five. 松澤 由美 影山 ヒロノブ 聖闘士神話 ソルジャードリーム ----------------------- [EN] I don’t earn anything from YouTube, and I probably never will because I use copyrighted content to make the videos. So if you like my work, consider being a supporter so I can keep doing it. ▶︎Patreon: Or PayPal for any donation: - [PT] Eu não ganho nada com o YouTube, e provavelmente nunca ganharei porque utilizo conteúdo de terceiros pra fazer os vídeos. Ent&
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