Consciousness: Advaita Vedanta’s Teachings about Your TRUE Nature - Atma

According to the non-dual teachings of Vedanta, your consciousness is utterly unaffected by all sources of suffering in life, like sunlight is unaffected by what it illumines. By discovering this truth, which was first taught by the sages of ancient India, one can become completely free from suffering and enjoy the state of liberation -- moksha. Atma, the true self, is the consciousness or awareness by which you know all your vrittis, your thoughts, emotions and perceptions, that arise in your mind, manas. As such, atma is the sakshi, the detached observer or awareful witness of those vrittis, and remains unaffected by them. Swami Tadatmananda is a traditionally-trained teacher of Advaita Vedanta, meditation, and Sanskrit. For more information, please see:
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