Narcissa & Lucius | Never gonna own me

pls watch in HD small screen for best Quality I’m really going through all the characters from the HP universe that I can find :) Focussing on the black Sisters rn as you may see. This is a Video About Narcissa and Lucius. I wanted to make one About her only but I realized she wasn’t rly an interesting persona to as I kept thinking About her life Lucius came into my mind. He and their Twisted organized pure-blood-marriage. I imagine her being a vulnerable sweet Girl. She’s polite and naive, but her parents also turned her against all muggles with their education. Her parents engage her to Young Lucius to unite the Black and the Malfoy Family to create a strong . She is forced to love him and it takes her a Long time to accept her husband. Lucius is arrogant and violent, If she doesn’t act to his approval he lays a Hand on the couple is liked by the wizard Society. They are wealthy and “pure“ and in those qualities they learn to respect each other. I think they never real
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