Carrotisт – Deep in Your Heart (Official Music Video / Clip) | Carrotist | Каратист EVERYWHERE: My first music video! I have a dream that my track will become a guiding light for someone, and people will find something of their own there. And only you can make my dream come true. We spent a lot of time and effort, and finally my clip is ready, and I believe that many people will notice it and it will bring light in their lives and hearts If you like my clip, send it to your friend, leave your opinion in the comments or just leave a like. I really appreciate it. And I wanna thank all the people who have taken part in this. You’ve really made me the happiest person in the world. Thank you for watching this video! . Мое первое музыкальное видео! У меня есть мечта, что мой трек станет для кого-то путеводной звездой, и люди найдут в нём что-то свое. И только ты можешь воплотить мою мечту в реальность! Мы потратили много времени и сил, и, наконец, мой клип готов, и я верю, что
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