Is Solar Maximum triggering economic and societal collapse?

How is the Sun and it’s energetic changes connected to human consciousness and overall society? Could the record solar activity we’ve had in 2024 explain why everything seems to volatile currently? Heart Science & Holistic Techniques to destress, relax, and sleep! eBooks and Courses: 🥑 Holistic Gut Health Guide (88 pages): Use code “GUTHELP“ for 10% off 🪐 Planetary Resonances eCourse (20 hours)! Use code “LIONSGATE“ for 8% off till end of August. Please note that you have to sign up and create an account first, and then the purchase page appears 🌐 Earth’s Magnetic Field Master Guide (2 hours): ✅ Subscribe to my channel: @StefanBurns 🥇 Become a special member and
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