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Hall, R., Boeri, G., Roumegoux, Y., (2005). Standards and Uniforms of the the French Cavalry under Louis XIV 1688-1714
Chartrand, R., Back, F., (1988). Louis XIV’s Army. Osprey
Haythornwaite, P., (1981). Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Wars 1789-1802, Blandford Press
Crowdy, T., (2003). French Revolutionary Uniforms 1791-1802. Osprey
Fosten, B., (1980). Soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars, Almark Publications
The Great War, French Rifles of World War 1 featuring Othais from C&RSENAL I THE GREAT WAR - Special. 2015
Funcken, Liliane, and Fred Funcken. Arms and Uniforms. Ward Lock, 1977.
French Foreign Legion Information RSS. Accessed November 7, 2021.
Armchair Historian Theme - Zach Heyde
Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy
Le Régiment de Sambre et Meuse, adapted by Jacob Gullion
Vous n’Aurez Pas l’Alsace et la Lorraine, adapted by Jacob Gullion
Le Boudin, adapted by Jacob Guillion
National Anthem of France La Marseillaise - National Anthem Worx