Carl Jung - The Modern Man and the Philosophy of Data

“The statistical method shows the facts in the light of the ideal average, but that does not give us a picture of their empirical reality.” – Carl Jung Pithy, isn’t it? Okay, it’s actually a rather dense quote. What it means is “stop putting people in buckets”. Thanks for coming to our TED talk and we hope you enjoy the day. Just kidding, let’s dig into this a bit.  First, isn’t it interesting how people can often spot problems early, long before the rest of us catch up? Typically, we ignore them and their concerns until it is years, sometimes decades later and someone else remembers the lost insight. That is the case here. That quote from the great psychologist is from 1957, decades before the digital revolution was underway, yet it is incredibly relevant to the present day. It is an indictment of our overreliance on statistics in our decision-making processes.
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