
Much has been made about the wonders of Venice, but few ever venture deep enough across its less touristy, yet still historical hidden places. Beyond hundreds of canals and a diverse architectural style, a secret facet of Venetian life lives on, in which the journey of hand crafting gondola wooden oars and loomed fabrics remains rooted in ancient folk traditions. Partecipa al mio corso online dedicato alla Post Produzione su DaVinci Resolve e scopri l’approccio creativo e il metodo che uso durante la realizzazione dei miei video: Directed by Oliver Astrologo & Nils Astrologo - Learn the fundamentals of creating compelling, evocative travel videos in my Skillshare Original class. Join the class here: This short film uncovers the secrets that have been handed down from father to son and projects you to the Venice that existed 500 years ago, immersing you in the extraordinary craftsm
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