Swim With Manta Rays, the Ocean’s Peaceful Giants

For as long as she can remember, Dr. Andrea Marshall wanted to be a marine biologist. Now, she’s living out her dream with one of the ocean’s most amazing creatures. That is, Marshall studies and helps protect giant manta rays. While Marshall’s work takes her around the world, she calls the vast, undeveloped coastline of southern Mozambique her home. There, she dives, photographs and interacts with these enormous, gentle, intelligent creatures. Strap on your fins, we’re going diving. As a reminder, Dr. Marshall is a professional marine biologist. Please help keep our giant sea friends safe and NEVER TOUCH a manta ray in the wild. Thanks, friends! SUBSCRIBE: This story is a part of our Planet Earth series. From mammals to insects and birds to reptiles, we share this great big world with all manner of creatures, large and small. Come with us to faraway places as we explore our great big planet and meet some of its wildest inhabitants. This story is a part of our Human Condition series
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