U2 vs A-ha “The Sun always shines on a Beautiful Day“ mix

New version (as of 1103) of a quick mix of U2’s Beautiful Day with the vocals of A-ha’s “The Sun Always Shines on T.V“ mixed in. U2 is tuned down 1 semitone and Morten 1 semitone up as that sounded like the best solution. Bono first appears here and there, but in the last quarter they do a “singing battle“ together :-) This mix came from the old story that U2 “lent“ some melody from this A-Ha song. U2 have since admitted that Bono might have been subconsciously inspired when he created the melody. I think he sang a few lines during a live performance once(?) as well. So I tried to see what parts of A-ha fitted in. A-Ha’s chord progression is different in the verses, but the choruses were similar enough to use a lot of his vocal. This was quickly done just for fun.. The result sounds weirdly comical, in my opinion both original songs are way better :-)
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