Explore the dungeon to find a hidden loot in the dragon´s lair. You must find the key in the bottom of the map to open the door in the top of the map. This door leads to the dragon. This game is a direct port of “Dungeon 16K“, using the same assembly code with the help of the NextLibs library and NextBuild (by David Saphier) in order to use the ZX Spectrum Next mode for texts and sounds.
The game was made by MrRancio in 2022.
Download here (Remember to donate):
Huge playlist archive with ZX Spectrum Next software:
11 months ago 00:03:58 4
DUNGEON 16K (2022) ZX Spectrum Next
4 years ago 00:24:35 4
Dungeon 16k (2021) Walkthrough, ZX Spectrum
10 years ago 00:37:38 169
Osu! Player Compilation - Friendship Group Players - 2