43 Music Theory Concepts That EVERY Modern Composer Should Master [The Music Theory Map]

My pro theory songwriting course: Enroll in my Rhythm Training Course at ANY price! Download the PDF: Check out NODA! This is a tour of music theory for the modern composer. I think these concepts are very important to learn, and in this order specifically! This doesn’t encapsulate all of music, but it is a very solid foundation. Knowing these topics will enable a songwriter to easily approach new advanced music theory topics with ease. Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted - I was working all day shifts to finish this course. I started it last year actually but gave up since it w...as so much work. Fortunately I found the motivation after my last video to wrap it up - I honestly think it’s the greatest course available on the internet, and I think the price is great for the amount of content you get compared to actual guitar lessons. Now that my course is done, I can start working on YT again. Expect the Locrian video soon, along with some surprises.... THANK YOU TO MY PATREON SUPPORTERS. Without them, there would be no YT channel or course! Table of Contents: 00:00 - Intro 01:58 - Begin the Tour 25:33 - “Composers“
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