In this video, we will determine transfer function of a Rotational Mechanical System with Gear. The transfer function is from input torque to output angular displacement. We will also discuss how to adjust the gear ratio to reduce the overshoot of this system.
We will discuss how we can setup the differential equation for the system and from there determine the transfer function using Laplace transform. Step by step, we will carry out the calculations. Using simulations in MATLAB and Simulink with Simscape elements, we will check our calculations and thereby verify that the element values are
... correct.
00:00:00 Problem Description
00:05:23 Differential Equations for Rotational Mechanical System
00:07:15 Laplace Transform
00:08:50 Gear Box Equations
00:10:37 System Transfer Function
00:15:50 System Model (Second-Order System)
00:16:40 Compare Terms in System Model & Transfer Function
00:17:50 Performance of the System
00:19:35 Reducing Overshoot by a FactorShow more