English | Adventure | Black Martin’s Treasure | Học tiếng Anh

Black Martin’s Treasure by Bernard Masters Author: Bernard Masters, Narrator: Mike Busson Playtime: 5 hours 45 minutes Very similar to The Treasure young Rodney Collingham meets the tinker-sailor, Jim Lucky, excitement and adventure joins the crew of the Savannah as she sets sail in search of treasure buried by Black Martin on a Caribbean island. An enemy, Sir James Gregory and his buccaneers cause trouble from the beginning to end but this adds even more excitement to the story of a lad who wants to become a sailor. Road trips can be a mind-numbing bore... or a fantastic adventure! Make sure your next road trip is all that you hoped for by tipping the scales in your favor with an entertaining audiobook! Whether you’ve got a family road trip with hard-to-please kids in tow or are striking out on the open road alone, this list of the best audiobooks for road trips will help you find the perfect listen to make the miles fly by. From laugh-out-loud memoirs to
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