This game was in 1988 in New York City. Mestre Marcelo Caveirinha(Marcelo Pereira) is the founder of Capoeira Mandinga. Mestre Marcelo was a student of Mestre Suassuna, who is the co-founder of “Associacao de Capoeira Cordão de Ouro“. In 1984, Mestre Marcelo left Brazil and settled in the United States. At that time, he was one of only three people teaching capoeira in the US. Mestre Marcelo is also known as the real life incarnation of the Tekken video game character “Eddy Gordo.“ For more information about Mestre Marcelo and Capoeira Mandinga , please visit our website at:
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1 view
12 years ago 00:02:55 36
Mestre Marcelo Angola e Mestre Poncianinho
10 years ago 00:04:00 19
Mestre Marcelo e Tafari
9 years ago 00:01:00 41
Mestre Marcelo Caveirinha and Mestre Suassuna 1987
12 years ago 00:04:27 40
Capoeira - Mestre Marcelo Caveirinha & Other Mestres
12 years ago 00:02:40 34
Capoeira Capoeira Hamburg Mestre Marcelo JG
10 years ago 00:03:09 47
5 years ago 00:00:24 25
Mestre Marcelo Caveirinha and Mestre Espirro Mirim 3