In braccio a mille furie
Sento che l’alma freme,
Sento che unite insieme
Colle passate ingiurie
Tormentano il mio cor.
Quella l’amor sprezzato
Dentro al pensier mi desta
E mi rammenta questa
L’invendicato onor.
I feel my soul trembling
In the power of the furies,
as fused together
with resentments of the past
they torment the heart.
One is the alarm that wakes me
of love despicable to me,
the other tells me of honour unredeemed.
Semiramide riconosciuta: in braccio a mille furie
перевод Александра Кузьмина
Я чую, как душа дрожит
во власти фурий,
как слитые совместно
с обидами былыми
они терзают сердце.
Одна тревогу будит
мне о любви презренной,
другая мне твердит о чести неотмщенной.
Semiramide riconosciuta: in braccio a mille furie
it was one of my last version of this idea was partially taken from the feelings inside of the aria, partially from paintings and old movies. My drawings and video
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