Gintama the most awesome cosplay EVER

better translation here: This is done in China, one of the province qualifying round for 2011 Chinajoy Cosplay finals. The group is called GDC. 2011 东北长春CJ GDC银魂CN表如下: 坂田银时: 大强 志村新八: 美冴 神乐:TOKI-文 定春:熊熊&小八 桂小太郎:烈 伊丽莎白:大飞 高杉晋助:G(昌鼎) 河上万斋:小三 来岛又子:小月 神威:fly 鬼兵队忍者初号机:海洋 鬼兵队忍者二号&
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