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| Timeline ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
[0:00] 1. Fridericus Rex (King Frederick)
[2:53] 2. Argonnerwald (Argonnes Forest)
[6:28] 3. Hoch in Ehren (High in Honours)
[9:19] 4. Coburger Marsch (Coburg March)
[12:42] 5. Heil dir im Siegerkranz (Hail You in the Victor’s Wreath)
[15:40] 6. Hohenzollernlied (Song of the Hohenzollern)
[17:43] 7. Preußens Gloria (Prussia’s Glory)
[19:22] 8. Königgrätzer Marsch (Königgrätz March)
[21:49] 9. Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland? (What’s a Germans Fatherland?)
[25:59] 10. Yorckscher Marsch (Yorckish March)
[28:37] 11. Muss I denn zum Städele hinaus (Do I Have to Leave the City?)
[30:23] 12. Der Tod in Flandern (Death in Flanders)
[33:21] 1
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