GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit GHANA BECOMES INDEPENDENT: Full Description: GHANA BECOMES INDEPENDENT ACCRA (Gold Coast) NOW GHANA Duchess of Kent visits accra University BOATS. Boats rolled down Ghana beach for a boat race GHANA (once the Gold Coast) .....CELEBRATES. Duchess of Kent at Accra University festivities on the beach where boats are rolled down to the waters edge for a boat ’s beauty display ....Dr Nkruma (the commonwealth’s first African prime minister) on platform. KENT DUCHESS OF GHANA of Kent at Accra University with many professors on the beach where boats are rolled down to the waters edge for a boat ’a beauty display Dr Nkruma (the commonwealth’s first African Prime Minister) on platform. Government and Politics Background: GHANA BECOMES INDEPENDENT: FILM ID: VLVAD0D7KQYBAVSDREBCLB2
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