Title: The Body on Somerton Beach: Australia’s Unsettling Cold Case
On the morning of December 1, 1948, an unidentified man was discovered dead on Somerton Beach, located near Adelaide, South Australia. Clad in a well-tailored suit and possessing no identification, the mysterious circumstances surrounding this enigmatic figure have made the case of the “Somerton Man“ one of Australia’s most perplexing cold cases.
The Discovery
The story began when a local man discovered the lifeless body of the Somerton Man, propped up against a seawall. Upon closer inspection, authorities fou
...nd no wallet, labels on his clothing removed, and all identification marks meticulously removed from his clothing. The absence of any form of identification only deepened the mystery.
In his pockets, investigators found a scrap of paper with the words “Tamam Shud“ printed on it, which translates to “ended“ or “finished“ in Persian. This discovShow more