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King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II appear at the opening of the National Library of Wales at Aberystwith, and receive the Key of Caernarvon Castle
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Gaumont British Ident
SLATE INFORMATION: Last stage of the Royal Tour of Wales
WALES: Aberystwith:
ABERYSMITH King & Queen open National Lib. of Wales.
CAERNARVON King and Queen receive Key to Canaervon Castle,10.
ELIZABETH, Queen At Aberystwyth, Caernarvon Castle, & Pontypridd
GEORGE VI At Aberystwyth opens Library, Receives Keys of Carvon Ca
...stle, & at Pontypridd
LLOYD GEORGE Hands Key of Caernarvon Castle to George VI
PONTYPRIDD Visited by King & Queen (also Carnavon Castle Aberystwyth)
WALES King George VI & Queen Elizabeth visit Wales
Ceremonies - Inauguration; Ceremonies - Local Government; George VI of Great Britain; Queen ElizabeShow more