Jazz Blues Guitar | The Best Of Slow Blues Ballads | Electric Guitar and Piano Background Music

Jazz Blues Guitar | The Best Of Slow Blues Ballads | Electric Guitar and Piano Background Music Thanks for watching. If you like video please “SUBSCRIBE“ - “LIKE“ - “SHARE“ -“COMMENT“ ►Subscribe for more: https: ✔ Photos and music in their possession ✔ This video is completely made by fans. If you (the owner) want to delete this video, please contact us directly before doing anything. We will remove it carefully. ✔ If you are a music producer, photographer .. all copyright issues please contact us via email: #blues#bluesrock#bluesmusic#theblues#jazzmusic ✔The finest Collection of guitar driven slow electric #Blues​ & #BluesRock​ ballads for a relaxing evening while having a quality drink. Enjoy! Tracklist: [00:00:00] - JT Coldfire - She’s Crazy [00:05:23] - Chris Bell - Elevator To Heaven [00:14:32] - Buster Benton - Mone
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