Гамлет. Комедия | Hamlet. Comedy | Animated Short Film
На спектакль пришли дети со строгой учительницей. Детей спектакль не занимает, и они начинают отвлекаться и хулиганить. Всё оборачивается катастрофой.
Children with their strict teacher came to the theater, where was a play «Hamlet» performed. Children are bored and start laugh and vandalize. Everything turns into a disaster.
05′00″ / Russia / 2016
Режиссер: Евгений Фадеев
Продюсер: Школа-студия «ШАР»
Автор сценария: Евгений Фадеев
Художник-постановщик: Евгений Фадеев
Director: Eugeniy Fadeev
Producer: School-Studio SHAR
Writer: Eugeniy Fadeev
Production designer: Eugeniy Fadeev
Awards / Награды:
Special Jury Mention for Children’s Film Competition, Countryside Animafest Cyprus (Cyprus, 2017)
Audience Award, Lublin Film Festival (Poland, 2017)
Prize of the Children’s Jury in «9 » section, International Short Film Festival «Zubroffka» (Poland, 2016)
Special Jury Mention for Children’s Film Competition, International Animation Film Festival ANIMANIMA (Serbia, 2017)
«Best Student Film» Prize, Golden Kuker – International Animation Film Festival (Bulgaria, 2017)
«Best Student Film» Prize, International Animation Film Festival «Tindirindis» (Lithuania, 2016)
Diploma in «The Best Student Film» category with the wording «For turning a tragedy into a farce», Suzdal Animation International Film Festival (Russia, 2016)
Prize «Bronze Knight» in the competition of animated films, International Film Festival «Zolotoy Vitуaz» (Russia, 2016)
Diploma in the «Student Film» сategory, International Festival of Animation Films «KROK» (Russia–Ukraine, 2016)
Diploma, All Russian Film Festival «Budem Zhit’!» (Russia, 2016)
2nd Prize in «Young Russian Animation» category, Big Cartoon Festival (Russia, 2016)
Festivals / Фестивали:
Lucas International Children’s Film Festival (Germany, 2016)
International Festival for Documentary and Animated Film «DOK Leipzig» (Germany, 2016)
Dresden International Short Film Festival «Filmfest» (Germany, 2017)
Trieste Film Festival (Italy, 2017)
Verona Film Festival (Italy, 2017)
Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival (Italy, 2017)
International Animation Film Festival «Fantoche» (Switzerland, 2016)
CINEKID Film Festival (Netherlands, 2016)
International Animation Film Festival of Catalonia «Animac» (Spain, 2017)
Countryside Animafest Cyprus (Cyprus, 2017)
International Short Film Festival «Zubroffka» (Poland, 2016)
Lublin Film Festival (Poland, 2017)
Animateka International Animated Film Festival (Slovenia, 2016)
International Animation Film Festival ANIMANIMA (Serbia, 2017)
Alter-Native Film Festival (Romania, 2016)
World Festival of Animated Film «Varna» (Bulgaria, 2016)
Golden Kuker – International Animation Film Festival (Bulgaria, 2017)
Early Bird International Student Film Festival (Bulgaria, 2016)
International Animation Film Festival «Tindirindis» (Lithuania, 2016)
International Animation Film Festival «Animated Dreams» (Estonia, 2016)
International Animation Festival «Anima Mundi» (Brazil, 2016)
Forum of Animated Films (Egypt, 2017)
International Film Festival «Silk Road» (China, 2016)
Hiroshima International Animation Festival (Japan, 2016)
Tokyo Anime Award Festival (Japan, 2016)
New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival (Japan, 2016)
Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (SICAF) (South Korea, 2016)
Children’s Film Festival Seattle (USA, 2017)
Ambulante Documentary Film Festival (Mexico, 2017)
Suzdal Animation International Film Festival (Russia, 2016)
Festival of Russian Films «Window into Europe» (Russia, 2016)
Big Cartoon Festival (Russia, 2016)
International Festival-Workshop of Film Schools «Kinoproba» (Russia, 2016)
Insomnia International Open Air Animation Film Festival (Russia, 2016)
Festival of Students and Debut Films «St. Anna» (Russia, 2016)
International Festival of Animation Films «KROK» (Russia–Ukraine, 2016)
International Film Festival «Zolotoy Vitуaz» (Russia, 2016)
International Festival of Animation Arts «Multivision» (Russia, 2016)
All Russian Film Festival «Budem Zhit’!» (Russia, 2016)
International Festival of Animated Films «Tofuzi» (Georgia, 2016)
ReAnimania International Animation Film Festival (Armenia, 2016)
Контакты / Contact:
School-Studio SHAR, shar@
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