SuperUnited Rapid 2023 Site Zagreb CRO Rd “4.1 White “Carlsen, Magnus“ vs Black “Caruana, F
1. c4 Nf6
2. Nc3 e5
The game starts with Magnus Carlsen playing as White and Fabiano Caruana as Black. Carlsen opens the game with 1. c4, the English Opening. Caruana responds symmetrically with 1... Nf6, preparing to establish a solid and classical pawn structure.
Nf3 Nc6
Carlsen continues with 3. Nf3, aiming to control the center. Caruana replies with 3... Nc6, developing the knight and getting ready to complete his pawn structure by playing d7-d5.
d4 exd4
Nxd4 Bb4
Carlsen advances with 4. d4, opening up the center and preparing for piece development. Caruana responds with 4... exd4, capturing in the center. After 5. Nxd4, Black plays 5... Bb4, pinning the knight on d4 and potentially putting pressure on the e2 square.
g3 Na5
Qd3 d5
Carlsen plays 6. g3, opting for the Four Knights system. Caruana continues with 6... Na5, taking advantage of the pinned knight to increase the pressure on it. White defends the pinned knight with 7. Qd3, and Black replies with 7... d5,
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