desert sand feels warm at night - selected works

support the artist: a compilation of selected tracks from the following albums: 0:00 - 新世界の弟子たち ( disciples of the new world ) 1:03:08 - ピアノの独り言 ( piano soliloquy ) 1:39:57 - 夢の滝 ( dream waterfall ) 2:32:19 - 天​に​召​さ​れ​る ( called to heaven ) 2:59:21 - သေမင်းတမန် ( a messenger of death ) 3:21:15 - 暗涙に咽ぶ ( drown in dark tears ) 3:27:54 - 夢の砂漠 ( desert of dreams ) 3:51:04 - 囚人 ( prisoner ) the end These albums are not in chronological order but in the order that I have heard them I SHARE THIS FOR CULTURAL & HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION OF ART & MUS
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