How I Got WAY BETTER at Guitar in a Month

Learn my system for playing guitar with Samurai Guitar Theory Merch: #guitar #challenge #speed ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­­--------------------------------­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­------------- 00:00 Week 0: Intro 04:27 Week 1: What I’m Practicing 10:00 Week 2: Thoughts on Technique 14:13 Week 3: The Pick Showdown 20:47 Week 4: What’s Going On In My Brain??? 25:07 Week 5: Final Thoughts ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­­--------------------------------­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­------------- Thanks to @Pete Thorn @Rudy Ayoub @DØVYDAS @Paul Davids for the great advice! ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­­--------------------------------­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­-­------------- Instagram @samuraiguitarist mgmt@
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