Bang Bang-Full Hetalia Girls Mep-

FINALLY IT’S OUT! I’m so glad to have this finished, everyone did such a great job and it turned out amazing. also, BIG THANK YOU TO ALL MY BACKUPS, THIS MEP WOULD BE DEAD WITHOUT YOU LOT. 1;kittyprr;fem!romano 2;Linxixy;hungary 3;kittyprr; fem!america 4;mondkalp; belarus 5;Nuna-Sama; seychelles 6;TheCamiEnder;fem!germany 7;xChikyuUx;fem!Italy 8;chocolatosama; vietnam 9;chocolatosama; Belgium 10;chocolatosama; vietnam 11;chocolatosama; fem!cuba 12;mochachan; hungary 13;Ediblepaper; fem!russia 14;Mello;fem!japan 15;mondkalp; fem!prussia 16;Diamond Ivy;fem!norway 17;mochachan; fem!america 18;Miakiro- fem!hong kong 19;kittyprr;fem!england 20;xChikyuUx; fem!turkey go sub to all these amazing editors ♥ song;Bang Bang artists;Jessie J,Ariana Grande,Nicki Minaj
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