Nearly 500 people became billionaires during COVID year

There’s no question the pandemic took a toll on many businesses and families, but some of the wealthiest individuals profited from this global tragedy. The lockdowns actually benefitted their businesses and even saw newcomers to the billion-dollar club. RT America’s Natasha Sweatte reports. #QuestionMore #RTAmerica #InQuestion #Covid19 Get exclusive content and watch full episodes now by downloading the app: Telegram: Check out our other shows! NO show does it like this. It’s TIME TO DO NEWS AGAIN with Rick Sanchez News with Rick Sanchez: It’s her take on all things political and she presents ALL the angles: with Scottie Nell Hughes, NVH: What’s your NEWS IQ? Give us 30 minutes, and we’ll take you across the globe! In Question with Manila Chan, IQ: Steve Malzberg sinks his teeth into the slander, hypocrisy, bias and lies of MSM. MMM…Delicious!
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