How A Zildjian Cymbal Is Made - #MADEINZUSA

#MadeInZUSA is a compilation of our Zildjian “How Its Made” Series on Instagram which takes you through each step of our cymbal making process. The Cymbal Making Process: Part 1: 0:11 – The process begins with Zildjian castings being created in the Avedis Varteresian Melting Room, where only 4 factory employees and the owners of the company are allowed inside due to their knowledge of the “Zildjian Secret.” Once the castings have cooled down, the castings are weighed, sorted and then brought over to the ovens. Part 2: 0:32 - The castings are heated in a 1400 degree oven to prepare for rolling. Part 3: 1:10 – Immediately after coming out of the oven, the casting are rolled flat. This process of heating and rolling is repeated 5-6 times, until the castings are thin and malleable enough for the next steps of the process. Part 4: 2:14 – Once the castings are thin enough, they are cupped with the proper bell shape and hole. Part 5: 2:38 – The cymbals are then cut
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