we’re diving into everything you need to know about working with audio layers in Moho.
in the first part of this tutorial you learn:
fundamentals of audio waves
how they are created in Moho
analogue and digital signals
recording sounds with your digital device
the conversion of sound to wave
and the different characteristics of audio files including sample rate, bit depth, channels, and bitrate.
how to convert audio formats
how Moho can display audio waves
important sound-related keywords: peak, wavelength, wave speed, frequency, amplitude, volume, pan, and pitch.
second part of the video you learn:
how to work with an audio layer
supported audio formats
downloading copyright-free sound effects
importing audio layers into your project
the differences between sound, audio, voice, and vocal
mixing and mastering techniques
using various options available in Moho for audio layers
animating audio loudness
cutting or trimming sounds
exporting audio only
copying sounds within a layer
removing black backgrounds from video or image layers
adjusting the duration of video or GIF layers and more
The scripts featured in this tutorial are official Moho scripts. While the tutorial is recorded in Moho 14 Pro and utilizes its new features, users of older versions can still benefit from 70% of the content. Any features exclusive to Moho 14 will be clearly indicated.
→ All in Season 03 Episode 03 of Modelman Animation
Also, check out the playlist of this Season:
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0:00 - Intro
2:13 - what is audio wave
2:28 - what is audio file
2:45 - how a digital device can record a sound
2:56 - why analogue wave can’t be recorded
3:56 - analogue sound vs digital sound
5:03 - characteristics of an audio
5:14 - sample rate
5:47 - bit depth
6:56 - channels
7:45 - what is a 3d sound
9:55 - bitrate
11:31 - how to change audio formats
13:23 - viewing the waves in Moho
13:52 - important keywords: peak
14:03 - important keywords: wave length
14:13 - important keywords: wave speed
14:29 - important keywords: frequency
14:43 - important keywords: amplitude
14:53 - important keywords: volume
15:05 - pan
15:51 - pitch
16:24 - sound vs audio vs voice vs vocal
17:10 - audio formats supported by Moho
17:32 - supported bitrate and bit depths
17:45 - how to download your favorite sound effect
18:10 - problem with matching sound
18:29 - how to import audio layer into Moho
19:40 - audio layer in Moho: first look
21:08 - how to move an audio forward or backward
22:14 - how to move multiple audios forward or backward
23:28 - how to turn off all audios in Moho
24:17 - different types of sounds you need to use
25:31 - how to mix and master
26:19 - Saw example: how to mix and master
26:37 - how to turn off only one audio in Moho
35:35 - Morty example: How to record a sound
42:35 - Layer settings: General tab
42:56 - Layer settings: visible
44:09 - layer visibility channel
46:37 - Layer settings: Audio tab
46:47- Layer settings: Set Source Audio
47:47 - Layer settings: Reveal Source Audio
48:06 - Layer settings: Audio level
53:43 - how to change the audio level of multiple audios
54:07 - Layer settings: Spatial positioning
54:22 - Car example: How to use spatial positioning
57:04 - how to attach a sound to a layer
57:38 - how to attach a sound to a bone
1:00:52 - copy all audio settings to other selected layers
1:02:23 - Right click: Reveal Source Audio File in Explorer
1:02:49 - Right click: Open Source Audio File
1:03:19 - Right click: Export Audio
1:04:09 - How trim or cut an audio layer
1:06:00 - channels: Restart Media
1:08:30 - how to copy an audio within a layer
1:10:21 - sound scripts
1:11:29 - scripts: Layer Audio Wiggle
1:15:25 - Jungle Explosion example
1:15:44 - how to remove background from a video in Moho
1:17:18 - how to wiggle camera using noisy interpolation
1:20:07 - how to wiggle camera using Layer Audio Wiggle
1:21:30 - how to apply Layer Audio Wiggle to x axis
1:23:48 - how to adjust the duration of a video layer
1:24:55 - scripts: Bone Audio Wiggle
1:27:30 - Punching bag example
1:28:07 - rigging punching bag
1:34:24 - applying overlapping action and follow through
1:36:31 - rigging hand
1:36:50 - applying anticipation
1:41:02 - applying arc
1:42:16 - applying squash and stretch
1:44:55 - adding star
1:49:23 - Outro
#Moho14 #MohoAnimation #Animation #Tutorial #bitdepth #digitalsound #audiowave #howto #import #pan #pitch #stereo #removebackground #wiggle #bitrate
1 view
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