Fully Packed Abandoned House Tucked Away Deep in the Woods of Southern Virginia

This incredible old house was built in the late 1800’s, too early 1900’s sometime between 1890-1900. The original family it was built for settled in eastern Virginia along the coast, as the father was a shipbuilder. The house remained in the same family for most of its life until it was sold in the 1960’s too a newly married couple. They would both live in the house until their passing in the early 2000’s. Neighbors said the kids live in California and have no interest in fixing the house as it holds a lot of sad memories. Now the house has sat for decades and is in a advance state of decay with large holes in the roof. Sadly the house is most likely in its final days but glad I could document this historic old house in photos and video. Still had some beautiful old architectural details left. I really found the attic very interesting! Thanks for watching.
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