War Chief Black Hawk: Makataimeshekiakiak - Sauk & Ute - (.:Grandfather Black Sparrow Hawk)

This is a series of photos and words about some of Meshômetha Makataimeshekiakiak’s / (Grandfather Black Hawk’s).. life, with a mini-biography and some accounts of warrior life, as well as some of his skills as a negotiator and orator.... ----------------------------------------- Grandfather Chief Makataimeshekiakiak (Chief Black Hawk), was a Sauk & Ute War Chief.. and was born 1767 in Rock island, Illinois.. and died October 3rd 1838.., near Des Moines, Iowa.. According to Sauk oral history, Black Hawk was a direct descendant of Thunder (Nanamakee), who was said to have had contact with an early French explorer, possibly Samuel de Champlain. Black Hawk earned the title of War Chief in the wars with the Osages (1782-1787). The 1804 Treaty of St. Louis, signed between Governor William Henry Harrison and Sauk chief Quashquame, ceded most of Sauk and Mesquakie territory to the United States. Black Hawk and other chieftains rejected the validity of the
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