Man: Ham Aslume

The Man: Ham series has finally begun Twitter - Discord - Twitch - TikTok - @conulon Thanks to TheMegacarpet for help with the Man Origins suit & thumbnail Other mods & assets used in video: - Man Ham Asylume by Wastelander121 - Jack White Joker & Joe Kerr Origins by MrJustArkhamGames / MrJAG - Debug Menu by dron_3 and of course, thank you to the Batman Arkham subreddit Disclaimer: This video showcases a modified version of the game “Batman: Arkham Asylum“ and is not endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with the original developers in any way. Any references to the modifie...d version of the game are made solely for entertainment and comedic purposes. All trademarks, service marks, product names, and logos appearing in this video belong to their respective owne
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