“I remember Tom and I were stoked the two of us could actually take him down. He could beat the crap out of both of us but never would- the kindest, gentlest giant... With neck and head tattoos. He was easily intimidating to those who didn’t know him, but was the complete opposite and greatest friend to those who did. He was so sweet to my kids and wife; to everyone. Jordie was so happy to be progressing again and still doing what he loves at 35. It doesn’t seem real at all... One of the coolest and closest families I’ve ever known. Such amazing people.
From being the first Canadian to be top 20 in the World Cup overall, first to cork 7 a DH bike on a step down, to riding down a 60 foot tree, he was a legend as much as he was an incredible friend and human off the bike. One of a kind, incredible human to say the least. That amazing maniacal laugh will forever be in my head but he will be severely missed.“ Cam Zink
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