Naruto: Shippuden OP16 – Silhouette by KANA-BOON!
ナルト- 疾風伝 OP16 - シルエット by カナブーン
Ever since I’ve heard Pellek sing this, I’ve been thoroughly obsessed with it (almost unhealthy lol). Amazingly catchy and I actually like the singing – there’s something appealing to a voice that isn’t perfect. It even seems like KANA-BOON’s singer’s voice cracks during the song recording.
This is also extremely nostalgic. Do you guys remember watching Naruto from Dattebayo fansubs?? That’s good memories right there :3
Let me know what songs you’d like to hear next! Maybe another Naruto OP? Or maybe One Piece or Bleach (Fairy Tail?) – from the “Big 3” anime.
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Piano arrangement by Tehishter
Original song:
-Composed by 谷口鮪
-Arranged by KANA-BOON
-Performed by KANA-BOON
-Lyrics by 谷口鮪
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