Awkward Memories! (Feat. Jazz Emu)

One way to bury your mistakes. And so we strike another stellar entry into the DARK AGE CATALOGUE, thanks in part to the KING OF CLAVS: Jazz Emu! He’s the multi-award winning ONE-MAN-BAND who co-wrote this song, as well as turbo-charged it’s sonic production! If you’re looking for more COMEDY FUNK, subscribe to his YouTube channel here via my current personal favorite: And as always, LOVE & RESPECT to the PATREON BROTHERHOOD for granting the STRENGTH needed to summon these MASTERPIECES! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = LORE = Soulman 69 (in the grips of a cringe crisis) contacts longtime friend and fellow Sexologist PhD Jazz Emu on how to handle awkward flashbacks. The 69 in Soulman 69 stands for the amount of experiment attempts scientists made to craft the sexiest
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